Global Cluster Manager

The only natively available AV over IP platform management solution focused on the secure access, management, and monitoring of distributed deployments.

GCM Overview

GCM is a secure hybrid cloud solution designed for global AV over IP deployments. As the sole natively available management solution, GCM prioritizes secure access, management, and monitoring of distributed AV over IP setups. It streamlines oversight and scaling of servers, ensuring real-time visibility and data security. GCM serves as a comprehensive native solution for Userful Infinity deployments, empowering IT professionals to optimize performance, enhance security, and seamlessly scale operations. 

A Comprehensive Solution to Securely Manage Distributed Operations

worker reviwing servers to make sure it is all secure

Secure Design

Prioritize security and seamlessly align with existing established protocols.

worker at advanced workstation managing content centrally

Centralized Management

Simplify team invites, manage members, streamline user IDs, and control access.

map showing how much you can scale your operation

Scalable & Flexible

A flexible solution that can be deployed in a private cloud, data center, or on-premise.


Secure Centralized Management

For large distributed organizations (LDOs), the task of managing each individual site can present significant challenges due to geographical dispersion and diverse operational requirements. However GCM offers a solution by seamlessly interconnecting these sites through the cloud, providing a centralized platform for streamlined management, coordination, and oversight across the entire network infrastructure. 

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Secure Management Model

GCM is a federated management model where each site is securely joined by the centalized management model



The Infinity Platform

Providing IT the all the admin tools required for the deployment and management of mission-critical operations.

  • Centralized management
  • Automatic failover
  • Browser-based (HTML5)
  • Enhanced security and system monitoring
  • Automation & intelligent workflows
Explore the platform