Our Industry Expertise

Mission Critical Operations for Healthcare

Facilitate the seamless flow of real-time information to optimize the delivery of healthcare services through comprehensive data gathering, analysis, and dissemination.
Front Desk of waiting area, with screen behind it with wait times, doctor information, and wether

One Platform to Visualize Healthcare Operations

Userful's Infinity Platform improves communication and decision-making within healthcare facilities by offering an all-in-one solution to efficiently manage operations centers, data dashboards, digital signage, and meeting rooms.

The platform ensures data privacy and security and complies with healthcare regulations to safeguard sensitive information. Userful's solution aims to streamline healthcare operations and optimize patient care delivery. 

Power Any Visual Healthcare Requirement

Epic gif showing how you can share many data dashboards to many diffrent screens

Integrate Epic and Vida Data Sources

Integrating and visualizing data from platforms like Epic and Vida is essential for informed decision-making. Epic’s extensive electronic health records (EHR) and Vida’s personalized health programs contribute valuable insights to healthcare providers and systems.

Userful's platform seamlessly integrates with these sources, optimizing access to patient information. These integrations not only empower interoperability but also enable decision-makers with comprehensive data, fostering a seamlessly interconnected and data-driven approach to medical care.

The world’s leading healthcare institutions already leverage and trust Userful’s Infinity Platform
Doctors meeting in meeing room to go over data dashboard on screen

A Canadian Provincial Health System

A provincial health system in Canada implemented Userful's solution to better manage, distribute, and leverage unprecedented volumes of data. 

With Userful, the healthcare system gained real-time data-sharing capabilities, shared operational views, and improved situational awareness across key teams and departments. The deployment improved critical decision-making, enabled better patient outcomes, and enhanced the overall quality of service through efficient data visualization and communication.

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Mission Critical Operations for healthcare white paper booklet cover

Mission Critical Operations for Healthcare

Visualization tools to improve quality of service and patient outcomes...

Read Whitepaper
A Canadian Provincial Healthcare system case study cover

A Canadian Provincial Health System Case Study

A provincial health system in Canada wanted to better manage, distribute, and leverage...

Read Case Study
VPN healthcare- uClient , laptop, healthcare infor on screen showing doctor information, wether, and wait times

The Infinity Platform for Healthcare

Providing IT the all the admin tools required for the deployment and management of mission-critical operations.

  • Centralized management
  • Automatic failover
  • Browser-based (HTML5)
  • Enhanced security and system monitoring
  • Automation & intelligent workflows
Explore the platform