Each month Userful publishes Video News, a curated selection of articles about video walls and digital signage.

Userful video wall cloud management solves scalability challenges

Watch Userful’s CTO, Tim Griffin describes the new cloud management tool, that allows organizations to monitor, manage and control multiple videos in different sites across the globe, remotely from a central location.



The State of the Digital Signage & Video Wall Markets in 2018

According to Grand View Research, the global digital signage market was estimated at just over $16 billion in 2016 and is forecast to reach an estimated $31.7 billion by 2025. This article explores how the size of the digital signage market is set to grow in upcoming years.



5 considerations for time-saving, digital signage collaboration in the workplace

Digital signage is a great tool for collaboration in the workplace (see Userful’s office video wall use cases). In this article, you’ll see 5 things to consider when it comes to leverage digital signage for teamwork and collaboration.



The evolution of the huddle room

What is a huddle room, why are they so key for businesses, and how have they evolved over time? These are some of the subjects addressed by this article. They provide an important platform for companies to drive their business.



Don’t be like Mark Zuckerberg: Data privacy tips for AV integrators

I think it is fair to say that privacy has always been a given (you don’t anyone questioning why people build houses with walls, right?) but in these days of connectedness and globalization, privacy has become this grey area, where we are not sure what should be private and what shouldn’t be (and some companies have taken advantage of this). For the AV industry, and particularly AV integrators, this means that you should be responsible for your customer’s privacy. This article provide some tips for integrators to ensure data privacy.



About Userful

Userful Corporation is a leading infrastructure software company that makes it simple and affordable for organizations to drive and centrally manage intelligent displays. Read more about our video wall processor solution.